On October 3, 1992, after a three year courtship, President Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson were pronounced man and wife by Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright…

It seems that a ton of my girlfriends are either jumping the broom or are newly engaged. Not that I am rushing anything, or being impatient as hell and wondering what in the world is wrong with me, but I will be honest in saying why hasn’t it happened to me yet? (Well it has […]

Affirmation For Today: I Deserve A Loving, Healthy Relationship. An affirmation is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking.  Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, a positive affirmation will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.  The object of these positive thinking exercises […]

In order to experience happiness and contentment with others, you must be unconditionally and authentically in love with the “self” – not selfish – but empowered and secure enough to know how to give and receive love.  When we master the love of self, find happiness in our accomplishments, understand our needs and are comfortable […]

With so many people focused on dieting and being fit in the new year, I thought I would share this article by Gabrielle Johnson, a weight loss advocate.

From Elev8 Elev8.com’s Tarvenia Jones writes “I’m so happy that Pastor loves his wife and wants all of us to know it. Especially some of the folks who secretly admire the pastor from afar. Oh, was I not supposed to say that, too? Chile Please. But I wish my pastor would not get up in front of […]