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Republicans are coming apart at the seams as Donald Trump declares war on the party.

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Black Women "are the most powerful voters in the electorate," said Carmen Berkley from the AFL-CIO. "We have to be willing to throw our weight in and make sure we get the candidates that we need."


Roland Martin discusses the true value of Nate Parker's "Birth of a Nation" in opposition to Hollywood's attempt to devalue it.


What impact will Justice Ginsburg's comments have on the Kaepernick National Anthem protest? Why are liberals silent about her remarks?

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If you voted for the Green Party in the 2016 presidential election, would you be wasting your vote?

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What impact will Russian hackers have on Election Day results?

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Harry Belafonte's 'Many Rivers to Cross' Festival fused music, arts, culture and the call for social justice into one unique event.

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Roland Martin and an expert panel of guests dissect the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

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Nate Parker discusses the tough journey to get the Nat Turner biopic made.

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A death row inmate's last-ditch effort to stay alive has gone before the U.S. Supreme Court in a bizarre case.