Roland Martin appears in The Situation Room with Leslie Sanchez and host Wolf Blitzer.

If President Obama wants to focus on the 2012 presidential campaign, he is going to have to shore up his base. Everyone keeps saying he has to move to the center in order to appeal to independents, to appeal to conservative Democrats. But Roland Martin says President Obama has to focus on his base. WATCH: […]

Congressman James Clyburn appears on Washington Watch to discuss the new political landscape in Washington DC, how Democrats can return to the majority and if Nancy Pelosi should  be the House Minority Leader. WATCH: James Clyburn: Road Back To The Majority Runs Through Minorities

Voters say they want officials in Washington to work together; yet, they elect officials from the extremes who will not work together. Is this a perfect example of the American voters saying one thing and doing another, or are they absolutely delusional when it comes to politics? WATCH:

The election results on Tuesday are a bitter pill for the President and his supporters to swallow. To be essentially routed by the Republican Party from top to bottom goes beyond humbling; it’s a wholesale rejection of the Democratic Party and, by extension, many of the policies championed by President Obama. Roland Martin details four […]

Roland Martin and the Washington Watch roundtable discuss how Republicans may govern. According to Dr. Chris Metzler, of Georgetown University, Republicans are going to  going to drive a lot of the power down to state government so states will be controlling a lot of the agenda. WATCH: GOP May Drive Responsibility Of Health Care Down […]

Roland Martin and the Washington Watch roundtable discuss what is next for  Democrats and Republicans. WATCH: What’s Next For Democrats And Republicans?

In 2008, the Obama camp tapped into the power of the Internet to engage its base, but this year it was Republicans using social media. News One’s Smokey Fontaine joined Roland Martin on “Washington Watch” via the HP SkyRoom to detail what Republicans did. WATCH: Republicans Using Social Media To Rally Their Base

Tuesday’s election results are a bitter pill for the president and his supporters to swallow. To be essentially routed by the Republican Party from top to bottom goes beyond humbling. It’s a wholesale rejection of the Democratic Party as well as many of the policies championed by President Obama. So what world do we face […]

Roland Martin talks with top Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher about what President Obama and the Democratic Party should do next. Belcher told Roland, “Arguably for the last year while Democrats were legislating, Republicans were campaigning.” Belcher also stated one lesson the White House should have learned is that “you got to sell, sell, sell, you can […]