Armed members of the New Black Panther Party marched outside of the Waller County Jail to protest the arrest and death of Sandra Bland

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush abruptly ended a town hall meeting after a Black Lives Matter protester raised a question

St. Louis officials are expecting the state of emergency to be lifted by Wednesday, the St. Louis Dispatch reports.

Despite a Justice Department report, Ferguson is still dolling out a disproportionate number of arrest warrants to minorities.

Kelly Osbourne is apologizing for statements she made aimed at Donald Trump and his outlandish comments regarding the Latino community.

A new survey is revealing that Americans feel like Blacks were treated more fairly in 2007 than now.

Despite desegregation laws, White parents usually fight accepting poorer Black students from failing districts.

Sandra Bland's family announced the filing of a lawsuit against officials in Houston involved in her arrest and death.


In this week's news of cringe-worthy cultural appropriation: Allure magazine ran the article "You (Yes, You) Can Have An Afro" in its August issue

During a Sunday interview with ABC News, presidential candidate Donald Trump defended comments he made about Barack Obama, concluding that America will not see a…