Andrea Lewis is the successful personification of: “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” You may remember her acting alongside Drake in Degrassi,…

NewsOne Now

It’s WTH?! Thursday on NewsOne Now and we’re taking a look at all of the wild, crazy, and insane stories trending in the news. This…

A group of teachers, principals, and administrators from Atlanta were found guilty this week of taking part in one of the nation’s biggest cheating scandals…

NewsOne Now

There is a lot of concern in educational circles that American students are not ready to compete on a global level. With advancements in technology,…

NewsOne Now

Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now” recently spoke with fitness and nutrition expert Obi Obadike, and Ahmend Dolphin, founder of DHerbs about the power of…

NewsOne Now

Facing its third and likely most serious legal challenge since it became law in 2010, Obamacare is slated to head back to the U.S. Supreme…

NewsOne Now

Both the mayor of Cleveland and Rice attorney Benjamin Crump responded to the city of Cleveland’s incredible claim that 12-year-old Tamir Rice was responsible for…

NewsOne Now

Malcolm X, one of the most important figures of the second half of the 21st century, brought a different perspective to Black America and the…

NewsOne Now

Alfre Woodard hosted her annual pre-Oscar party to celebrate African American women in film in the penthouse of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. HipHollywood was on…

NewsOne Now

According to author and historian Anthony Browder the dollar bill, Washington Monument and the Library of Congress are all dripping with ancient African symbols. Browder,…