Plots to suppress the African American vote date back to the Reconstruction Era. Prior to the Voter Rights Act of 1965, these were some of the more commonly used tactics by conservatives who wanted to keep blacks from voting. SEE ALSO: Why Newt Scares Me Violence In 1873, a gang of whites in Colfax, Louisiana […]

While Rosa Parks is cemented in American minds as a heroine of the Civil Rights Movement, a host of unsung Black women and their sacrifices for freedom are hardly mentioned. And yet, the list is long: Fannie Lou Hammer, Ella Baker, Dorothy Height, Septima Clark, Marian Wright Edelman… So as the masses gather in Washington […]

A majority of Americans say Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial equality has been realized in the USA, although a significant divide between Black and white people’s perceptions of equality and race relations still exists, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll suggests. The Poll found that most Americans– 90% of whites and 85% of […]

In a statement released last week, the Department of Justice has declined to reopen the 46-year-old case on the assassination of Civil Rights leader Malcolm X. The department said the statute of limitations has expired on any federal laws that might apply to the case. Despite the DOJ’s dissent, Civil Rights activists are ardently pushing […]

Photos by @robinrazzi   On Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 8:00am – 10:00am on The Larry Young Morning Show there was a discussion, Civil Rights vs. Hip Hop: Chasm of Disrespect Separates 2 Generations. This was a discussion which included the older and younger generation and there is a gap currently. One of the questions that the panel touched […]

Today’s words of wisdom comes from Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. Founder and President Rainbow PUSH Coalition The Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, is one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures. Over the past forty years, he has played a pivotal […]

Coretta Scott King would have been 84 years old today. The wife of civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. worked tirelessly after her husband’s death in 1968 to carry on his legacy and only recently began to slow down her efforts. King died in her sleep in 2006 from cardio-respiratory failure, cerebral vascular illness and […]

Los Angeles, California– Almena Lomax, a civil rights activist and founder of the Los Angeles Tribune died March 25th at 95 years old.

An editorial in this week’s New York Amsterdam News, the legendary Black newspaper of New York, highlights the rise of Rev. Al Sharpton’s storied civil rights organization The National Action Network, which will celebrate its 20th year of operation April 6-9 at their national convention in New York City. Related: NewsOne Columnist Rev. Al Sharpton […]

Wilmington, North Carolina- The Black Newspaper Publishers are seeking pardon for a group of 10 civil rights activists who spent almost a decade in prison for allegedly burning down a white-owned business in 1971. PARTNER LINK: Juliette Lewis Photos Convicted of arson and conspiracy, the “Wilmington Ten” were exonerated in 1980 after Amnesty International took […]