It is wonderful that Yoga is continuing to gain popularity as a resource for healing in the black community, from celebrities to inmates. According to, Hollywood star Wesley Snipes requested yoga mats to teach other inmates the benefits during his time in prison. THE BENEFITS OF YOGA FOR PRISON / JAIL INMATES I wanted […]

It is wonderful that Yoga is continuing to gain popularity as a resource for healing in the black community, from celebrities to inmates.  According to, Hollywood star Wesley Snipes requested Yoga Mats to teach other inmates the benefits during his time in prison. Here is the picture that TMZ put up, It is obviously […]

Strengthen your resolve to keep your JOY no matter what outside circumstances may distract you. What is the Aura? The aura is a field of energy that surrounds the physical body of living beings as well as objects. For the most part, it is invisible to the naked eye, although some people with highly developed […]