After a successful launch in Chicago last year, Donnie McClurkin’s Perfecting Music Conference will make it’s way to: Charlotte, North Carolina (April 28-30); Milwaukee, WI (May 19-21); Montgomery, AL ((June 23-25); Los Angeles, CA (TBA) Philadelphia, PA (September 29/October 1 ); Dallas, TX (October 27-29) and Miami, FL (November 17-19) in 2011. The two-day workshop with guest speakers and […]

No matter what stage in life you’re at, it isn’t always easy to make new friends However, making friends later on in life can be much more difficult. There may be colleagues at work, people you know at the gym, somebody you walk past every day?

Commitment is a word that drives people. It is the moments in which you  become the most resolute about a decision or choice. What do your choices or non choices say about you?

Understanding on deep levels takes time.   It is more than just acknowledging something someone did. Why do we/they act as we do? Do we take time to sit with our beliefs and apply them?

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is a call to prayer for the eradication of HIV/AIDS through prayer, education, advocacy and service.

Happiness is often misinterpreted as something that depends of material things. That is not true happiness but only worldly rewards. That is a child’s interpretation

From Olive Jones, 54, yesterday that she has been made a victim of religious persecution for discussing her faith with the child and her mother, who complained about her behaviour. After she was sacked, she was told the family had strongly objected to her approach because they are non-believers, and that a formal complaint […]