
Apolice officer in Washington, D.C., had some questions to answer after a video showed him using a Taser on an unarmed Black man who didn’t appear to pose any threat. The unidentified officer was reportedly questioning a young Black male who had been handcuffed in the U St. Metro Station in Northwest Washington when a […]

Jerri Hrubes claims that a Woods Cross officer pointed a gun at her mentally challenged son after he mistook him for an armed suspect.

Authorities claim the 12-year-old spat on an officer and using the "spit mask" was protocol. However, the boy's family is demanding an apology.

In less than a week’s time, America has witnessed -- or turned a blind eye to -- two separate public executions of unarmed Black people as the troubling trend shows no signs of ending.

Legal advocates urge the NYPD and Staten Island prosecutor to reconsider video evidence that suggests two officers planted drugs in a Black man's car.

Black and Hispanic officers filed a discrimination lawsuit against Prince George County's police department.

A video shows Miami cop sucker-punching an unarmed Black man, contradicting his report of what happened.

Another instance of police violence was caught on camera in Sacramento when an officer is recorded tackling and punching a guy to the ground. All of this happened because the victim, Nandi Cain Jr., was allegedly jaywalking. Naomi Montaie recorded the incident and could be heard screaming in horror throughout the video at the cop’s actions. […]

The Atlanta Hawks basketball player gets $4 Million settlement against cops who broke his leg.

In an upcoming interview with "60 Minutes," Betty Shelby blames the unarmed father for his own death, claiming that he didn't listen to her commands.