Reading is a great past time. When you get the opportunity to read a good book your world expand. Here are the top 10 books according to BCCN1. There is new research  that reading actually improves the memory. This may be a good time to start. As we age our minds need to be exercised […]

I’m an avid CNN watcher and a supporter of the anchors Don Lemon and TJ Holmes.  It is great that I’m getting the top news from men who are handsome and nice eye candy.  Secretly, I sometimes can’t tell them apart.  I like them both and wouldn’t want to choose who I like more. However, […]

Tick Tick tick.. that is what greets each of us every day of our lives. It is the sound of time ebbing away. What we do and how we manage that time  is completely up to us. There are exactly 86400 seconds in each day. It never changes. It’s exact. Unfortunately, many of us do […]

Have you ever wanted to tell someone, “Go handle your own business and get out of mine?” That is the story being told here on the pages of this new book by superstar author Lutishia Lovely. If you have never read a book written by her, than this is the one to get.  The book begins […]