
A crew of bank robbers dub the Mod Squad are wanted by the FBI for more than a dozen crimes. They’re accused of knocking over 13 from Anne Arundel to Baltimore County and in the City. FBI investigators say they change the style of the crime during each heist. “Changing sunglasses, changing hairdos, wigs, appearance […]

Halloween must’ve came early this year for an Indianapolis man who robbed a bank on Saturday dressed as legendary singer Rick James. According to reports, the man was accompanied by an accomplice who dressed like Youngblood Priest from the classic 70’s movie Super Fly.  Around 12pm on Saturday, the embellished robbers entered the Indiana Members Credit Union and demanded money. Police say […]

Two men, one dressed as Rick James and the other as Youngblood Priest from the cult hit Super Fly, robbed a bank in Indiana.

From NYDailyNews.com: He’s got a fondness for green – both flowers and cash – and he’s still on the loose.