Men tend to get all of the credit for everything, especially the Civil Rights Movement. While Dr. Martin L. King Jr. and Malcolm X are known as the faces of the movement, black history is brimming with women whose contributions are equally noteworthy. Here’s our list of black women who helped to advance the race […]

Popular black news website “The Root” recently released its “The Root 100 Honorees for 2011 list.” Using a unique measure which combines each honorees’ reach and substance, the list highlights the most influential African Americans between 25 and 45. We checked news, blogs, critical reviews, awards and our own sharp editorial instincts to nail down […]

In a world where violence and cruelty seem to be common and almost acceptable, many parents wonder what they can do to help their children to become kinder and gentler—to develop a sense of caring and compassion for others. Raising kids who care isn’t a solution to violence by itself, but it’s reasonable to worry […]

<strong>Dr.David Satcher(March 2,1941- )</strong>

In Timbuctoo lies a hill. Underneath that hill lies a house, or what archaeologists think might have been a house once upon a time. The silver clasp of a woman’s handbag, piles of Mason jars, chips of dinner plates and an empty jar of Dixie Peach Pomade lie among the bricks that have broken away […]

From A fire-obsessed 14-year-old Staten Island boy is suspected of the unthinkable – setting his home ablaze as he murdered his family and then slitting his own throat with a straight razor.

FROM Middle-class black Americans dipped into their retirement accounts to stay afloat during the recession at a higher rate than their white counterparts did, broadening the “retirement gap” between whites and African-Americans, according to a new study.

FROM Bone marrow transplants are often the only treatment for blood-related cancers. The treatment, however, is dependent on the patient finding a donor who shares a similar genetic makeup. In most cases, that means the match is found in someone of the same race. But the black community has a particularly tough time attracting […]

FROM Ron Allen says he knows all too well the ravages of drug addiction.