About @AliyaFaust, Senior Managing Editor

Police were responding to gunshots in West Baltimore when they fatally shot a man who fired at them with an "AR-15-style" weapon...

A Minnesota man by the name of Philando Castile is shot to death by police in front of his girlfriend and her young daughter after being pulled over for a busted taillight yesterday.

A man is in the hospital after firing shots at police who fired back during a foot chase. The incident took place in Northeast Baltimore, where police were called last night (May 31) to investigate gunshots. Upon arrival, cops spotted the gunman and proceeded to chase him. Fox 45 News reports: “During the foot chase, […]

Shirley Caesar‘s gearing up to release a new album, Fill This House, and calls each song a blessing. Having previously released over 20 albums, she reached…

Baltimore votes in Democratic primary (Catherine Pugh) one year after losing Freddie Gray & the riots that followed his death by injuries sustained from being in police custody.

Events to attend in support of rebuilding of Bmore & remembering Freddie Gray + exclusive video from Prince's "Rally4Peace" benefit concert.