Black Lives Matter begins their rally at the SC Statehouse.— Paul Zoeller (@pzoeller) July 18, 2015 When two hate groups took their place on the…


When the world learned of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich American dentist, the world wept over the loss and called…

A man who was brutally beaten by Ferguson, Mo. police officers and then charged with bleeding on their uniforms has won the right to appeal his…

Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders on Sunday reaffirmed his commitment to the “Black Lives Matter” movement a week after shouting down protesters who disrupted his…


In the week since Sandra Bland was found dead in a Texas jail cell, just three days after she was pulled over and arrested for failure…

The investigation into the mysterious death of a Georgia teen found rolled in a gym mat two years ago received new life when federal marshals seized…

A Ku Klux Klan rally in South Carolina Saturday was overthrown by anti-racism protesters and a few viral moments that shifted the conversation to the…

Since the dash cam footage release of Sandra Bland’s arrest in Waller County, Texas on Tuesday, many are questioning whether the video was edited due to the…

Investigators are looking into the death of a Cincinnati man who was shot and killed by a University of Cincinnati police officer during a traffic stop Sunday.…

Stephen A. Smith’s comments on the Black Lives Matter movement rattled many on Twitter, including hip-hop artists and activists Killer Mike and Talib Kweli.  The drama…