On Tuesday, the National Rifle Association (NRA) released an ad with the hopes of taking on the President a day before he released his plans…


The National Rifle Association (NRA) has released a scathing 35-second ad admonishing President Barack Obama for his “hypocrisy” in demanding “gun free zones” for our…

Via Foxbaltimore.com  The President of NRA was asked to changed his position on gun law. Politicians and activists are working toward solutions to prevent tragedy. NRA wants armed guards in schools. Read More. Zimmerman Sued For Allegedly Not Paying For Bodyguard Services 2 Firefighters Shot Dead In Ambush At Blazing NY Home Dr. Cornel West: […]


WASHINGTON — Spurred by a horrific elementary school shooting, President Barack Obama (pictured right) vowed to send Congress new policy proposals for reducing gun violence…

WASHINGTON — The National Rifle Association is suing the Obama Administration in response to a law that requires gun dealers along the Mexican border to report  bulk sales of semi-automatic rifles. Enacted to make it harder for Mexican drug cartels to obtain military style weapons from America, the law requires gun merchants in Arizona, California, […]