Veronica Chambers, editor of a new anthology on Michelle Obama, opens up on our first African American FLOTUS and what her very being means to us—and this country.

In her final White House interview, FLOTUS told Oprah Winfrey how different America will be when President Obama leaves the White House.

Pamela Ramsey, a West Virginia non-profit director, will be allowed to return to work after calling Michelle Obama an "ape in heels."

"Anything that I felt about the election I said and I stand by. This is our democracy, and this is how it works," Obama said.

The First Lady wasn't here for the politics.

During her farewell interview with the talk show legend, FLOTUS will discuss the legacy they hope they leave behind and what lies ahead for the first Black family.


POTUS shared that after his term comes to an end, he and his wife will be involved in politics at a grassroots level.

Check out these ten reasons why we'll always be thankful for the flyest FLOTUS ever, Michelle Obama.