
The Obama administration announced plans on Monday to restrict police use of military gear in an effort to ease tensions between officers in some communities…

Just a day after his lawyer announced he would sue the City of Ferguson, Mo. and former police officer Darren Wilson, Dorian Johnson, a key…

Three people were injured in two separate shootings in Ferguson this week during community marches for Freddie Gray. The shootings occurred late Tuesday evening as a group of…

Al Sharpton’s annual National Action Network conference kicked off this week with a panel that allowed the mother of Michael Brown to reveal some startling truths about her troubles since losing…


While the nation witnessed countless protests, die-ins, and marches after the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, Garner’s widow, Esaw Snipes, was struggling to find the strength…

In settlement of a lawsuit brought by Ferguson, Mo. protesters, three police agencies will restrict use of tear gas and other chemical weapons on crowds, according…

Despite a damning Justice Department report that found African-Americans made up 93 percent of arrests even though they only represent 67 percent of the Ferguson, Mo. population,…

A day after a Justice Department investigation found fault in Ferguson, Mo. officers for their racially biased policing, officials are confirming that the officer who shot…


Jefferson City, Mo. —As businesses were burned and looted in Ferguson, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was inundated with messages from the public criticizing him for…