
As Ferguson continues to mobilize behind efforts to seek justice for 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was slain by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson,  11-year-old Marquis…

Although still on the radar, the spotlight pointed on the shooting death of Michael Brown and the events that followed in Ferguson, Mo., have noticeably…

NewsOne Now

This week St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch announced that he is extending the Michael Brown grand jury’s deadline to January 2015. Roland Martin, joined by an…


A grand jury has until January 7 to decide whether or not to bring criminal charges against Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson,  who shot unarmed…


Two men who witnessed the Michael Brown shooting are coming forward with their accounts, backing up other witness accounts. One of the men anonymously spoke with the St.…

NewsOne Now

Attorney General Eric Holder will launch a civil rights investigation into the Ferguson Police Department following the murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Roland Martin and…

NewsOne Now

The family of Michael Brown is turning the focus in Ferguson to voting in an attempt to change the political power structure in the St.…

If you asked the average Black person about the state of racism in America, you’ll likely be greeted with boos, hisses, eye rolls, and four-letter…

I’m as excited over the prospects of casting a vote for Hillary Clinton for president as I am being given a pedicure with a butcher’s knife. Clinton…

NewsOne Now

On Tuesday, Rev. Jesse Jackson appeared on “NewsOne Now” to explain how the people of Ferguson should move forward in their fight for justice, social, economic…