Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted a graphic with inaccurate statistics about 2015 murder rates in the United States.

As Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump continues to struggle in the polls in early voting states against Ben Carson, he has recruited a Black female Tea Partier as his campaign spokeswoman, according to Politico.

Fox Business Network and The Wall Street Journal will host the fourth debate live in Milwaukee with eight candidates at 9 p.m. ET.

Now that Biden has decided not to run, leaders are flocking to front-runner Hillary Clinton. To be sure, an endorsement from top elected officials during primary elections usually signifies who will be the Democratic and Republican presidential nominee.


The proposal was unveiled by House Republicans on Monday night. Under the deal, there would be an increase in military and domestic spending, and the federal borrowing limit would also rise over the next two years.

Carson hurled his latest attack against Blacks and abortion during an appearance Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press, where he compared women who terminate their pregnancies to "slave owners."

Two more women have come forward in the sexual assault case against Bill Cosby. One woman, Dottye, claims Cosby drugged and raped her during a visit to New York in 1984. She was there to audition for The Cosby Show. [Complex] After a bad car accident, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg is back at work – even […]

Hillary Clinton showed up to a labor protest outside of the Trump International Hotel and spoke to workers about their right to unionize.

The closer President Obama gets to ending his eight-year presidency, the more honest and confident he appears in interviews. After all, what’s he got to lose? In an interview with 60 Minutes, the POTUS was asked if he thought he could win a third term if he was allowed to run again, to which he […]

About a third of the seats were unfilled in a convention center ballroom where Donald Trump spoke in South Carolina on Wednesday.