
In his first run for President, Kanye West received over 60,000 votes in 12 states including Tennessee, Minnesota, Kentucky and Colorado.

Jaime Harrison, the Democratic nominee challenging U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham in South Carolina, has fallen short in his historic bid to replace an incumbent who was largely seen as vulnerable.

Revenue from the activity would be used for education.

Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-to-1 in the state.

Exit polling data was painting a broad picture of the election's results and the role that Black voters, in particular, were playing in it.

This year will go down in history as one of the most stressful, racially tense, socially unjust, politically incorrect years of our generation. We’ve endured a global pandemic that left over 1.21 million people dead worldwide. In the first 8 months of 2020, police killed 164 Black people, and we’ve seen an influx of people […]

Election Day is the final day for Marylanders to cast their ballots.

You can find a list of drop box locations in your county here.