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We are so sad to report the death of rapper Shawty Lo at the age of 40.

Authorities rushed the man to Carolinas Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

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As two separate investigations continue, led by the Justice Department and the Tulsa County District Attorney's office, more details emerge regarding Crutcher and Betty Shelby, the officer who fatally shot Crutcher in the middle of the road as he walked with his hands up towards his SUV.


https://www.instagram.com/p/BIe4G2Ggo3R/?taken-by=shesyourmajesty&hl=en In early August, Korryn Gaines was shot dead in her Randallstown apartment after a 6 hour standoff with police. After a investigation, it has been revealed that there will be no criminal charges will be filed. via WBAL: ‘A statement from The Gordon Law Group said attorneys with their office and The Law Office […]