
Via: WJZ-TV You might want to think twice about keeping the water running while brushing your teeth in the morning. The Board of Estimates just approved a rate hike in water and sewer which averages $81 over a year for a family of four. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Public Works blame the hike on aging […]


Via: Baltimore Sun The Baltimore City Council voted in approval of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s budget at a committee hearing Tuesday, despite a push from some members to further cut funding to several agencies. The council plans to pass a final version of the budget Monday. The spending plan, which cuts $121 million from the city’s […]

It was complete pandemonium Sunday evening when Boys Hope Girls Hope arrived to their neighborhood in Northeast Baltimore. The volunteers were seen putting last minute touches on the house including hanging the front door and paint touchups to the 11,120 square foot home valued at over $1 million. The Baltimore project was the largest home […]

Via: The Baltimore Sun Baltimore State’s Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy said that she will file for an injunction against the mayor and City Council if an “unconstitutional” budget recommendation is not corrected. “If you fail to revise your recommendation to the [Board of Estimates] I shall have no choice but to pursue a legal remedy,” […]

Via: Baltimore Sun Baltimore City Budget Director Andrew Kleine and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake want to ensure that residents are clear about the proposed beverage container surcharge. The four-cent tax will be charged to distributors and residents are given a choice to avoid the tax. They urged that the tax would exclude fruit juice, milk, dairy […]

Via: Baltimore Sun Baltimore City Budget Director Andrew Kleine and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake want to ensure that residents are clear about the proposed beverage container surcharge. The four-cent tax will be charged to distributors and residents are given a choice to avoid the tax. They urged that the tax would exclude fruit juice, milk, dairy […]