
A dermatologist is warning Black people to cover-up in the sun after she noticed that many of her darker-skinned patients were unaware of skin cancer risks. Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd specializes in the cosmetic concerns of multi-hued skin tones. She says that there is a common mis-perception that darker-skinned African-Americans don’t need SPF protection. Within the […]

NEW YORK — Video has been released of the fight between high school football star, Isayah Muller, his father, and the parking lot attendants they suspected of stealing expensive cologne from their car. In the video, the father Andre Muller, can be seen punching the parking lot attendant and attacking them with a bicycle and […]

InteractiveOne — the parent company of NewsOne and a division of Radio One — and NBC News today announced an unprecedented Black news partnership between NBC’s website, The, and NewsOne. As detailed in a piece in today’s New York Times, the two sites will collaborate editorially and in the area of advertising sales, creating […]

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich took a shot at President Obama calling America’s economic woes, the “Obama Depression,” on Fox and Friends Sunday morning. Gingrich’s comments come as the president is negotiating a new federal budget with Republicans, and just days after the latest job reports show few signs of economic recovery. “Housing prices have […]

A Houston topless bar is being sued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for allegedly forcing Black waitresses to skip work when one of the club’s racist executives visited. One of the club’s managers says he’s shocked by the suit as they market themselves as a multi-racial club. The suit alleges that beginning in 2007, […]

Two of the top Republican presidential contenders have backtracked from signing a pledge against gay marriage that also suggested Black families were stronger under slavery. First Leader, an Iowa Christian conservative group, released a pledge called “The Marriage Vow” which equates homosexuality with polygamy and adultery, and calls for the banning of all porn. The […]

In what is probably the most ingenuous political metaphor ever said on national television, “Real Time” host Bill Maher equated Republican thinking to the Casey Anthony verdict. “Yes, Republican base, you are just like that jury. It is pathetically clear who is killing the middle class, but you keep letting them get away with murder,” […]

At least four suspects are in custody after a Milwaukee, Wisconsin mom turned over both her 15-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter when she spotted them while watching the news. The two teenagers were among a group of adolescents involved in an attack and a gas station raid. “These are not the kind of kids that […]

WASHINGTON — White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced Thursday that the Obama administration will release a series of reforms to the nation’s current gun law. While Carney did not lay out an exact date plan, he said the reform process is expected to begin “not far in the future.” The Huffington Post Reports: The […]

NEW ORLEANS — New Orleans Police Commander Eddie Selby resigned after being involved in allegations of inappropriate and racist comments. The Grio Reports: While giving instructions to his Special Operations Division this past Friday, Selby supposedly made some offensive comments about those attending the Essence festival, which is a predominately African-American event.While the investigation was […]