

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Gene Rosen heard the staccato sound of gunfire near his home Friday morning, but dismissed it as a hunter in the nearby…

The milestone of Michelle Obama becoming American’s first African-American First Lady was seen as both a racial and gender barrier-busting moment for our nation. Latinos,…


NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) — Opening a long and almost unbearable procession of grief, Newtown began laying its dead to rest Monday, holding funerals for two…

When it comes to caving on taxes to avoid the much ballyhooed fiscal cliff , President Barack Obama had made it clear that “that’s one…


All the way across the country, Hermosa Beach, California resident, Ryan Kraft, was “shaken” by the horrifying murders of 20 children and 6 adults by…


When NBC pre-empted Sunday night’s football game between the San Francisco 49ers and the New England Patriots to air President Barack Obama remarks on the…


The Southern University at Baton Rouge graduated more than 500 bright students Friday, but perhaps none shone brighter than Polite Stewart (pictured). One of the…


 SAN MATEO, Calif. — A sex romp at a public park helped prosecutors convict a California woman of faking an ankle injury to collect workers’…

A sick and twisted prank caller sent mourners of the Newtown, Ct., school massacre running for their lives on Sunday, after St. Rose of Lima…


SOUTHBURY, Conn. — At Newtown High School, Adam Lanza had trouble relating to fellow students and teachers, but that was only part of his problem.…