
Al Sharpton was in Cleveland recently for the ‘Get Out The Vote’ rally. He addresses the community about how important this midterm election is to the black community.

No one expects African-Americans to vote in anywhere near their numbers from 2008, when their 65 percent turnout matched that of whites for the first time. But that isn’t stopping Democratic organizers and supporting groups from using aggressive, even racially charged, tactics to get them to the polls next Tuesday.

On March 23 of this year, after months of heated conservative backlash at town halls and Tea Party rallies nationwide, President Obama signed into law HR 3590, which enacted sweeping changes to America’s health care system. Not a single Senate or House Republican supported the bill.

Check out this video of a NY woman who was trying to hail a cab. The cab passed her by and picked up a passenger of another color on the same street. Please join our Facebook page RELATED: NYC man says he was dragged by cab in “racial profiling” incident Share this post on Facebook! […]

Its interesting that Rand Paul’s enthusiastic supporters are gaining some attention after one of them was caught on camera stepping on a woman’s head. Still Rand Paul has had worse supporters than Tim Proffit. Several prominent Rand Paul supporters have ties to the white supremacist movement, conspiracy theorists, and militias. Here are a few of […]

In today’s world there are many words that we all consider and recognize as curses. Whether it’s the sugar-honey-ice-t’s, the female dogs, the mother-flockers or the f-word. Somewhere in that mix, our economy has added a few others; we now have our Sallie Mae’s, Fannie Mae’s, student loans, ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages), recession, depression, bankruptcy […]

Jon Stewart is not a newsman, but polls show he has the reach of one at the top of his profession. He’s not a politician or an activist, but he’s set to host a rally expected to draw tens of thousands to Washington’s National Mall.

Juan Williams told Bill O’Reilly that he gets nervous at airports when he sees Muslims. For this, Williams has been roundly denounced as a bigot. But Williams’ association between innocent Muslims and the perpetrators of the 9-11 attacks was less about bigotry—at least, bigotry conventionally defined—than about his mind working normally. To live in America […]

A Kips Bay McDonald’s is very discriminating about which nonpaying customers can use the bathroom, a lawsuit says.

GOP strategist Karl Rove and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean discussed the merits of various media outlets Monday night, unsurprisingly finding themselves on polar opposites of the debate.