
New York — A Harlem inventor has created a device to keep saggy pants low – but not too low. Part garter belt and part suspenders, the “Subs” gadget fastens around the waist like a belt and is connected to expandable straps that clip onto pants, regulating how low-slung they are. Inventor Andrew Lewis, 43, of […]

Detroit — Imprisoned former Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, was indicted on federal corruption charges along with his father and three aides. Kilpatrick is charged with using the Mayor’s office as a criminal enterprise to make money for himself and his associates. The Detroit Free Press reports: The 89-page indictment outlined four general areas of […]

Brooklyn — A brawl between what appears to be high school students and the NYPD was caught on tape and posted on YouTube. The fight appears to be at the Broadway Junction Subway stop in Brooklyn. RELATED STORIES Woman Says Cops Brutally Beat Her For Not Picking Up Dog Poop NYPD Paid $1 Billion In […]

Monique Nelson, 30, was killed Tuesday by a stray bullet in a California strip mall as she strapped her baby into the car seat.

The Senate has enough votes to pass a standalone repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has been told by Senate counterparts, he said in an interview with HuffPost Wednesday evening after the House approved its own version of the bill.

Florida — Allen West, the Tea Party-backed congressman-elect who on Tuesday fielded heavy criticism for apparently suggesting that media outlets should be censored for running stories about WikiLeaks’ disseminated information, responded Wednesday by claiming that he had actually called for “censure,” and that people had misheard his original statement. This is how he explained the […]

Roland Martin talks with Clarence Lusane about his new book The Black History of the White House. LISTEN:

Roland Martin talks with A.C. Thompson from about the convictions of the New Orleans police officers who were convicted of killing Henry Glover. LISTEN:

Roland Martin appears in The Situation Room with Mary Matalin and host Wolf Blitzer to discuss John Boehner wearing his emotions on his sleeve. WATCH:

(CHICAGO-Chicago Sun-Times) A 4-year-old boy was Duct-Taped at the Pui Tak Christian School, in Chicago Illinois and the boy’s parents, Harold and Cara Irving, who are African-American, are claiming that race was a factor. The Chicago Sun-Times reports: “I received a call from the school informing me that my son was in the principal’s office […]