
DENVER — Marijuana may be more popular than coffee in Denver, where medical marijuana dispensaries outnumber Starbucks. An abundance of dispensaries have popped up since they became legal in 2000, and now seem to be an integral part of the state’s economy. Some of the 300 plus dispensaries, in order to help bring in business, […]

WASHINGTON — As negotiations on raising the debt limit persist, reports say President Obama is willing to reduce significant spending in Medicare and Social Security in exchange for Republican support in fresh tax revenue. This deal may upset many Democratic policymakers, however, Obama is set to argue in a meeting Thursday morning that a consensus […]

Tearful jurors from the Casey Anthony trial spoke out to reporters, and claimed while they wanted to convict the acquitted mother, there was not enough evidence to do so. “It doesn’t feel good. It was a horrible decision to have to make,” said Jennifer Ford who identified herself as Juror No. 3, according to ABC […]

HUNTSVILLE, Texas — The planned execution Thursday of a Mexican national has prompted a flurry of appeals on his behalf, including a rare plea from the White House, because of what it could mean for other foreigners arrested in the U.S. and for Americans detained in other countries. Humberto Leal, 38, is awaiting a ruling […]

Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, former member of famed R&B group TLC, published an article on The Root, encouraging more African-Americans to donate bone marrows for patients suffering with sickle-cell disease. The singer battled with the disease since the 1990s, and while she has managed to treat it, she urges others to  play a role in saving […]

Rep. Tim Scott said that if President Obama should invoke a clause in the 14th Amendment in order to bypass Congress and borrow beyond the debt limit, the Republican lawmaker would consider that an act worthy of impeachment. “This president is looking to usurp congressional oversight to find a way to get it done without […]

Casey Anthony’s jailhouse letters are surfacing a day after the 25-year-old was found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee. In the letters, Anthony describes life behind bars, what she misses and wanting more children when she’s finally released. “It was like having Cays all over again,” she wrote, referring to her dead daughter, Caylee. […]

A new debate is surfacing after last week’s reversal of Michigan’s 2006 ban of Affirmative Action. Now questions on whether the referendum process, which lets citizens petition to overturn laws already on the books, will hurt the efforts of Affirmative Action proponents. While this ruling will probably be ruled up by the full 6th Circuit, […]

While stories of black soldiers in WWII are normally an afterthought, one story of black heroism is finally being told. The Aubrey Stewart Project tells the story of James Aubrey Stewart, a soldier from Piedmont, West Virginia, who along with 10 other black soliders sacrificed their lives to save a family during the Battle of […]

PARK VISTA, FL — Eight Black Florida teenagers are rallying against what they claim to be racial discrimination after not one of them made their high school cheerleading team. Known locally as the “Park Vista 8,” the girls are alleging that they are being racially harassed by their peers. When Park Vista High School sophomore […]