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Play Back The Entrepreneur’s Edge Radio Show Anytime You Want!  The Entrepreneur’s Edge Podcast – Episode 93 Original Air Date: June 14, 2016

Frances O. Thompson's esteemed carer in public service began in 1985 when she was elected Ward F councilman, making her the first African-American council member in Hudson County's history.

He argued that he could potentially convince party leaders to back him if he persuades enough superdelegates to come over to his side.

Officer Goodson -- who faces second-degree depraved heart murder as well as manslaughter, assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment charges -- was responsible for getting him to a hospital, Porter said.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson asked for a probe into the two officers shown in the disturbing video that took place on Chicago's West Side.

LGBTQ rights activists are angered that after the Orlando shooting – where 49 people were murdered and over 50 were injured – bisexual and gay men are being turned away from donor lines at a crucial time of need.