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The National Transportation Safety Board wants to bring down the number of bike crashes with help from agencies on the state and local levels.

In a new study, the NTSB said new laws that mandate using helmets would bring down the number of crashes between cyclists and drivers.

But, cyclist advocates don’t agree. They recommend improving roadway infrastructure, visibility, and new signs that would give riders the right of way. Local officials suggest using adaptive headlights and limited speeds on shared roads would also reduce crash risks.

This new report comes after two major fatal crashes involving cyclists back in 2014.

Thomas Palermo was killed by former high ranking episcopal bishop Heather Cook while riding a bicycle in the bike lane at Roland Park.

Police say she was driving drunk and texting when she hit him.

In 2017, 20-year-old Aaron Laciny was hit and killed while riding a bicycle in Towson.

Police say his killer was never found.

Source: CBS Baltimore

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