Just In

Family and supporters for Ramarley Graham (pictured below) met at the Crawford Memorial United Methodist Church in the Bronx Monday evening, marking two years since…

Just In

In February of 2000, four N.Y.C. police officers were acquitted of all charges in the death of Amadou Diallo, an immigrant from Guinea who was…

A Bronx judge threw out the manslaughter indictment against NYPD police officer Richard Haste, who fatally shot 18-year-old Ramarley Graham last year, over an error…


Even though Constance Malcolm (pictured center left) and Franclot Graham’s (pictured center right) buried their 18-year-old son last year, after he was shot by the…

Contributed by: Malikka Michelle (Digital Intern) Since news spread on the Sanford, Florida killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the country became outraged and began to hold worldwide marches and protests in his honor. With this case being in the public eye and justice not being served in a timely manner, it gives much wonder on […]