As news unfolded of Osama Bin Laden’s death at the hands of Navy SEALs, thousands of Americans poured onto national landmarks such as Ground Zero and The White House. As jubilant as the celebration was in the streets – many thought leaders and pundits in the black community took to Twitter to provide a slightly […]

In September 11, 2001, I was in the Language Resource Center of my alma mater during work study when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were impaled by 767 jets. We watched in horror, as terror unfolded that day.

During in the 1970s, when the Russia was the biggest threat to America and radical Islam was not as a concern of the USA’s, the USA began funding and training Islamic militants to fight our Russian enemies in Afghanistan. These militants, known as the mujahideen would rebel the Russians out of Afghanistan and later become […]

Infidel. It’s what the Christian Right and the Tea Partiers accuse Obama of being: Secret Muslim. Foreigner. Traitor. It’s also what some in the Muslim world may have branded Obama for failing to adopt the faith of his fathers. And now that Obama has martyred the Muslim world’s foremost zealot — exasperating his enemies at home […]