Fox News reports that the Brazilian mom confessed to stabbing her teenage son to death because she couldn’t accept that he was gay.

Just weeks after a Bronx mother allegedly threw her newborn out of her building window, another mother has been arrested for the same crime in the same area.

A Florida mom is facing up to 20 years in federal prison after robbing three banks back in May. According to reports, 50-year-old Cindy Carabeo…

A Texas mother took initiative when her 10-month-old son was discovered locked inside of a daycare by staffers overnight.` Sharonda Ross says she dropped her…


We’re still not over President Obama‘s soulful rendition of “Amazing Grace,” but that didn’t stop Condoleezza Rice from showing off her vocal ability in honor…

Singer Alicia Keys is loving her most important role as Egypt's mother. Take a look at Alicia talk about what the best part of being a mommy...

Oprah revealed her major secret to the world yesterday, she has a sister who she recently learned existed. Oprah’s mother had baby nine years after Oprah was born and was ashamed. She left her baby at a hospital for someone to care for because she felt she was unable to. Oprah’s sister, named Patricia, tried […]