Marcus Garvey “All peoples are struggling to blast a way through the industrial monopoly of races and nations, but the Negro as a whole has failed to grasp its true significance and seems to delight in filling only that place created for him by the white man.”  

Jamaican-born Black Nationalist and Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey (pictured) and his fraternal organization, the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League(UNIA-ACL), became a powerful force…

The White House recently rejected a bid to posthumously pardon Marcus Garvey. The campaign, led by a Jamaican lawyer in Florida, would overturn Garvey’s 1920s mail fraud conviction that imprisoned the Black leader for almost three years before he was released and deported to Jamaica. Garvey, who led the greatest mass movement of Blacks in […]

There is a petition on Change.Org to send to President Obama to encourage him to clear the name of  Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican activist who started the “Back To Africa” movement in the 1920s in Harlem. President Calvin Coolidge granted Marcus Mosiah Garvey a pardon on November 18, 1927. However, he was deported to Jamaica […]

Marcus Garvey, Black Nationalist, Pan Africanist, and founder of the United Negro Improvement Association and  the “Back to Africa” movement, entered federal prison in Atlanta, GA, on February 8, 1925. The Supreme Court refused to review his mail fraud conviction.   TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PERSON YOU CAN VISIT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY.

Via RK Byers at Those two instances in New Jersey stores of idiots suggesting that “all Black people leave” are hilarious. They represent reverse psychology at it’s worse. Personally, I suffer varying levels of commitment to Garveyism. Sometimes I think, “That’s it! We all should leave and go (back) to Africa.” Other times, like […]