
President Donald Trump signed a bill behind closed doors Thursday that gives states the green light to choose to defund Planned Parenthood and other family planning clinics that provide abortions.

President Donald Trump issued an ultimatum to Congress Thursday to vote on repealing and replacing The Affordable Care Act ---known as Obamacare --- or he will move on to other issues on his agenda.

Muhammad Ali's son and his ex-wife, Khalilah Camacho-Ali headed to Washington, D.C. Thursday for a forum with lawmakers and discussed ending racial profiling and President Donald Trump's muslim ban.

A group of activists and concerned lawyers rewrote the Declaration Of Independence, adding the right to "challenge, oppose and resist" controlling powers that wrongfully govern the nation.

The Trump administration fired Shermichael Singleton, who was one of a few black conservatives and a top aide to Ben Carson, from his post as a senior advisor this week after Trump's advisors found public writings of Singleton criticizing POTUS.

President Donald Trump awkwardly pressed April Ryan about having friends within the Congressional Black Caucus after the Black journalist questioned him about improving inner cities during a contentious press conference Thursday.

Andrew Puzder, President Donald Trump's pick for labor secretary, withdrew his nomination Wednesday afternoon amid controversy surrounding domestic abuse allegations and inappropriate business practices.

President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that he will fight the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, who ruled against reinstating his controversial 90-day ban on travelers.

The House of Representatives voted to defund Planned Parenthood in Virginia Tuesday despite women's rights advocates having protested on the Capitol grounds and in the House chamber.