Former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince is upset about what he feels is consistent criticism coming from Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-III) . Blackwater is a private security company that has been under a lot of pressure from politicians and U.S. citizens for what some believe is pure mercenary work. They have  a truly notorious reputation. So […]

Infidel. It’s what the Christian Right and the Tea Partiers accuse Obama of being: Secret Muslim. Foreigner. Traitor. It’s also what some in the Muslim world may have branded Obama for failing to adopt the faith of his fathers. And now that Obama has martyred the Muslim world’s foremost zealot — exasperating his enemies at home […]

While the Tea Partiers are complaining about taxes and health care today. Let’s not forget where most of our tax dollars go to. As of today the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is more than $983 billion. That means on average, every tax payer has paid an average cost of $6,533 dollars. […]